Mostly ramblings about some of my passions, needlearts, working on my fixer upper and my dogs, pug Aoife and black labs, Isabelle and Benny.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me :-)

Monday, October 30, 2006
Indian Summer

Whatever I didn't finish in October I will finish up for sure in November. I have a week off at the end of the month around Thanksgiving and will probably spend a lot of it stitching. I also need to get going on a small Christmas quilted wall hanging. Every year with my family we have a white elephant game and I always quilt something that goes with the theme we have chosen for the year. This year our theme is a sleigh. I found a really cute quilt of Santa in his sleigh.
This is a lot of work however, and I'm not really sure I want to go through that much trouble right now. I'm sure I could find a cute little ornament with a sleigh on it to cross-stitch. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
Friday, October 27, 2006
No stitching

Thursday, October 26, 2006
I have a new star!

I won't get much stitching done tonight or maybe even tomorrow night - I have to sew Molly and Clancy's Halloween costumes! We have a party with my Pug Meetup Group on Saturday and a party at K9 Playtime (where we go to agility) on Sunday. Molly is going to be a sunflower garden and Clancy is going to be a cowboy. It should be cute.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
hump day!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Here is my progress on Quaker Meetinghouse - I'll be finished with the house before I leave work today. I plan on taking a lunch to finish it. Then I can do the designs under the alphabet. Then the fun part begins - the Quaker motifs. :-)
Last night I finished up the face of my Santa ornament and started to mess around with the fuzzy white fiber I purchased for his beard. And could not make it work. Crosses didn't work because the are small and all the fuzzy part of the fiber is lost so there wasn't much point. I also tried different needlepoint stitches to see if I could retain the fuzziness of the fiber while still looking nice. I could not find one I liked. So I'm not sure if it's going to work. I'll sleep on it a couple of more days before I decide what to do. It's too bad - it would look so cute with a fuzzy beard and mustache. And that is why I really picked this one out - so I could make the beard fuzzy. It's just another Santa face without it.
Friday, October 20, 2006
A good week

Here were my office mates from yesterday at home. At least Clancy looked up once and a while to see how I was doing. :-)

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Not much happening

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
No mail yet

Molly did great in agility last night - for the first run! She did the entire course off leash and she only ran off once and came back to me right away. I won't talk about her other two runs - the bad Molly was back... LOL!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
A small finish

Monday, October 16, 2006
Finished! :-)

This morning Part Two of Marquior ABC was made available. I downloaded it first thing this morning. This part looks like it will go super fast. And all blue for me!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Playing hooky

I'm at home today - I love to play hooky on Friday's! Shame on me... :-)
I'm making excellent progress on Flea Market - I will finish the middle part today and I think I will take the time to join the first to the second part today. I have a feeling that it will go a little slow because of my poor embroidery skills - so today seems like the perfect day.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Moving right along

I'm so glad the work week is almost over - ok I know it's only Thursday but the fact I'm talking about the end of the week is a good indication of how it's been going. Friday please get here soon! In fact, I might even feel a cold coming on. Wink wink!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
It's snowing again!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Flea #1

Monday, October 09, 2006
Super bummed :-(

Friday, October 06, 2006
It's snowing

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Flower Folio Happy Dance

I did start Winter Arbor from The Drawn Thread on the train this morning as I'm still waiting for my Quaker Meetinghouse supplies to arrive. This one will go even quicker than Fall Arbor did - there are a few less specialty stitches in this piece - the trees are bare after all!
Yesterday I signed up for the Silkweavers Fabric of the Month deal - I went with the Wish List program. And I picked out mostly tans and creams and other neutrals! How boring of me. But I know what I like that is for sure. I can't wait to see what they send me first. I know I'll be able to use everything I get in the next couple of months on Christmas stuff. And once I get a nice stock of neutrals, I'll revise my list and put some colors on it.
I also had a good mail day yesterday. Peg, the fellow stitcher who's Secret Garden I finished off a couple of months ago, sent me two finishing books. http://www.lostinthreads.blogspot.com/ How nice is that? I didn't have any finishing books at all and have so far been just experimenting with how to do it. I've been doing OK but they would not hold up under closer inspection. :-) There are a ton of ideas and lots of tips. I can't wait to mess with some ornaments. Thanks Peg! Stitchers are great people and I'm grateful everyday that I got involved with stitching again.
The boss is back in the office so I'm busy as all get out. I'm already wishing it was Friday and the day just started. ;-)
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A good time in agility
I'm two-thirds of the way done with Amaranth. I can't believe I'm so close to putting this series to bed! :-) At one point several years ago, I thought I would never complete these and here I am three finished and one with only two or so days to go. I'm considering purchasing the Jill Rensel mats she makes to go with flower folios. I would like to have the outside dimension of the mat fit into a stock frame - maybe 5 x 7 so I can buy them less expensively at Hobby Lobby during their next half off sale. So I guess I need to email Jill and find out how it all works. For all I know, she has these finished mats ready to go and I can't pick out the outside dimension at all. I've never ordered from her but I'll find out.
I'm already thinking ahead to my next start - I need to pull out Block 10 of the Village and finish up part 1 of Marquior but both of those are my weekend/evening projects. For my train ride I don't know right now. I just purchased all my supplies for Quaker Meetinghouse and I'm ready to go with both Flea Market Souvenir and Winter Arbor. I think I should go with Winter Arbor. I love doing the specialty stitches. But I still have a day to think over it - I won't tie up Amaranth probably until tomorrow afternoon.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Instruction frustration

We had really bad storms last night. Even the emergency broadcast system was activated. Now that is freaky. Where I live the signal is a siren followed by a male voice recording telling you what TV and radio station to tune to for more information. Hearing a disembodied voice through the thunder is creepy at best, terrifying at worst. It was a tornado not to far from my house - it quickly turned into Lake Michigan so it was over pretty quickly but the thunder, lightening and rain continued for hours. I didn't sleep a wink.
While working on my Marquior last night I discovered I made a counting error - a fixable counting error. I always follow this strategy when working on a piece - if I can fix it I will fix it. If it's involving multiple colors and the end result won't matter, I try to find a way to make it work. Well, last night the error I found was fixable - I was one stitch off on the side border. So I had to rip out a couple of hours worth of work - that is such a bummer. But I felt I had to - it's only part 1 after all and I want this piece to be all that it can be - and hell, I'll be working on the damn thing for 16 months so it had better well be a work of art when I finished! LOL! So out it came. So no real progress to report on that piece.
Tonight is agility with Molly so no stitching. I get to do my other highly frustrating hobby instead! :-)
Monday, October 02, 2006
A couple of smalls

Over the weekend I did start and totally complete two smalls from Trix or Treat by Blackbird Designs - Boo and Black Cat. I did both on my own hand-dyed 32 count linen. On Black Cat I used the recommended fibers Weeks Dye Works and on Boo I used Weeks Dye Works Sweet Potato. I took Karen V's tips on Boo backstitching around the piece and then whip stitching the front to a back with a bead every fourth stitch or so. I love how it turned out! Thanks Karen.
I did a start this morning on Amaranth from Shepherd's Bush - not much to see yet but here it is any way.

I also stitched a little on Part 1 of Marquior ABC but I didn't take a photo. I plan on trying to finish Part 1 up this week. We see how that goes! :-)
Nice weekend here - the weather Sunday was wonderful! 70's and sunny! The pugs and I spent a lot of time outside. There won't be to many more of these! Here they are helping me work at home last Friday.

September recap - I didn't do as much as I thought I would during the month. Vacation really put me off my planned completions. But I had fun so all is not lost. For October I plan on Block 10 of the Village of Hawk Run Hollow, finish Part 1 of Marquior ABC and start Part 2 on the 16th, Winter Arbor from The Drawn Thread, Amaranth from Shepherd's Bush, Quaker Meetinghouse from Midsummer Night Designs and Flea Market Souvenir from BBD. That should keep me out of trouble! If I have anytime left over, I will start on Christmas ornaments. It will be another full month.