Wednesday, July 12, 2006

a little more

I stitched a little more yesterday on my Quaker Garden. I can see the end in sight. The weather is predicted to be in the 90's both Saturday and Sunday so most likely I will finish it one of those two days. :-) I just have to finish up the alphabet, last motif on the left and a few of the squares along the left bottom. I'll work on my Secret Garden next.

Last night Molly and I went to agility class. She is not progressing as well as I had hoped so we need to do more work at home. Our first agility trial in on September 13th at the Pug Dog Nationals. Normally I wouldn't push her but since is a once in a life time chance to participate with pug dogs from all over the county. And most likely the only pugs only agility trial this year. I talked to my teacher and we both agreed that we just need to make it a fun day.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Your Quaker Garden is looking so good - and you are moving along fast! I love your "After the Party's Over" piece - wow! Thanks so much for checking in on my blog!