Thursday, September 20, 2007

slow progress

I'm so spoiled by being used to just quickly moving along with projects that when I get one (or two) that takes longer or seems to take longer, I get impatient. Such is the case with Toccata II and Quaker Samplings. I am making progress but it's slow. :-)
No stitching tonight - I'm going on a dinner cruise with some friends and I'm staying downtown. So no stitching tomorrow am either. Good thing the weekend is coming so I can get some real work done! :-)


Edgar said...

Hi Margie,
Thanks for the suggestion about Floss-a-way. I have ordered some and will try it out. The two pieces are looking great!!


Anonymous said...

Ah, but any progress—even a little—is still progress. Keep chipping away at these. They'll both be fabulous finishes eventually!

Michelle said...

They are both beautiful! I love the Quaker piece even if it does feel like slow going.

Annemarie said...

I just happened upon your blog for the first time, and I'm in awe of the beautiful work you do! Love all the projects you're working on :o)