Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day!

We ended up with around 12 or so inches here in Gurnee which is in Northern Illinois. I'm about four miles from Lake Michigan so we got a lot of lake effect snow. The pugs actually love to play in it. Here they are from the left, Georige, Aoife, Clancy and Molly. :-)

Today is the calm after the storm - it's so bright and blue outside it hurts the eyes.


Margaret said...

The pugs look so cute in the snow! So did you get a snow day from work?? From what I hear you all are pretty tough about snow out there. As opposed to here -- we're wimps. lol! No school here because of the snow! And I just heard from my daughter -- her college is closed for the snow too!

Alice said...

Oh, those little pug faces melt my heart! I'd love to scoop them all up and hug them silly. How wonderful that they like the snow. My girl doesn't go out except for necessities, though she still expects a walk and is quite unhappy to find the snow is still there when she has her leash on. No walk for us today though, we have about 25 inches on the ground and high winds. Stay warm and have fun stitching!

Tracey said...

So sweet!! I was thinking of you and your furbabies the other day when dh and I were watching the Eukanuba dog show. :)

Kelly said...

The kids are adorable. George needs a little more camera training so he is looking in the same direction as the other three. I am having a work at home day today. I will be posting in a bit. Hopefully, I will get some stitching done today.

Anonymous said...

Your babies are sooooo darn cute! I love the pics your share. (we got 20 inches so far here just outside Pittsburgh) No work today.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Margie ~
Just LOVE those furbabies. Neither my pug Loocie nor my foster Eema likes the snow!
Pug hugs :)

Karen said...

Oh my gosh, how CUTE!! Your kids are just adorable! My cats like to look at it but going out in in? Ummm, not so much!

Michelle said...

Cute pug pic!

Michelle said...

They are so cute!

omashee aka Barb said...

Margie, the kids are adorable, as usual! Now tell me, which 3 are the cool ones?

Deb said...

The pups are adorable! Looks like they're having fun in the snow. We got the same storm as you, but only ended up with about six inches - just enough to keep the kids home from school.

Nicki said...

That is one of the cutest photos ever! :)

MyLifesAStitch said...

This comment is from Leah: "Awww! Wook at de coot widdle puppies {accompanied by a high pitched squeal at the end}!!!" They do look so cute! I love pugs... the way their foreheads crinkle up makes their faces so expressive. Great pic!