Sunday, September 20, 2009

Clancy earned a new title!

Since I promised Clancy on last Tuesday if he Q'd over the weekend, I would open another blog entry with his photo and his ribbons - so here he is with his first place and his new title ribbons. He earned a first place finish in Jumpers with Weaves on Sunday and that made three legs and his open title - OAJ. And it was a very nice run - 28 seconds on a 39 second course. I'm so proud of him. I feel like we are getting close to consistency which I feel is a key factor in being a successful agility team.

So what does it mean? We have moved up in Jumpers to from the Open level to the Excellent A level and are now working toward an Excellent Agility Jumpers with Weaves title - AXJ. We still have two legs to earn toward his Standard Agility Open title but that should fall in place soon. :-) Or I hope it starts to fall into place soon - we have a trial next weekend to give it a go.


Margaret said...

Wow! Huge congratulations to Clancy and to you! He's getting to be quite the show dog! :D I love how he looks with his ribbons. Go Clancy and Margie!

grace said...

Yayy, that's spectacular!!! Congratulations to both you and Clancy! :D

Theresa said...

So proud of him!!!! At this rate, he will be covered in ribbons next time!!! :-)

Daffycat said...

Wow, Margie, you and Clancy are becoming quite a winning team! Congratulations!

Deb said...

You must be so proud of Clancy! He certainly looks very proud of himself modeling his ribbons!! Congratulations!

Tommye said...

I'm so impressed! Congrats, Clancy. Lester, the WonderPug, is impressed too. You can tell by the increased volume of his snoring. I have to go turn up the TV, I can't hear the 100,000+ fans in the new Cowboy stadium!

Sandra said...

Woo Hoo - well done Clancy and not forgetting Margie too!! A winning duo for sure.

Carmen said...

Congratulations to you and Clancy, you are a winning team!

Alice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alice said...

Woohoooo!!! You two did a great job!!! Clancy looks very happy with himself. Good luck for the next round. ; )
PS. Had to delete my previous comment as I actually used a word I thought had a different meaning and it was not what I thought AT ALL.

Anonymous said...

You go Clancy!! Pretty soon he will fall over with all the ribbons he'll have lol!!!

Alice said...

Hurrah for Clancy! He does look proud of himself! I guess he must be feeling better?
Alice too.

Kathy said...

Oh, Clancy, you are such a good boy. You made your momma proud. He is just so darned cute. Congrats!!!!

Wakana said...

Oh he looks so handsome with all the ribbons! Great job Clancy especially after being sick with kennel cough! Congratulations to both of you :-)

Michelle said...

Wow Margie, congratulations to you and Clancy! He looks great with those ribbons :)

Mia said...

Congrats on your awards Clancy!!! You should be proud =)


omashee aka Barb said...

Congratulations Clancy, you handsome devil!