Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Aoife!

My little girl is two years old today! Here is Aoife in her first official photo taken a day or two after she was born. She is the tiny one second on the right. She was half the weight of the other puppies (2 ozs. at birth) and lagged behind for quite some time. When I got her she was eight weeks old and still on the small side. Compared to my other pugs, she is still small but well within average pug height.

I heard a story about her not to long ago. When Aoife was about a week or so old, she wasn't doing very well. She was having a hard time getting enough to eat because of her size - she just couldn't get where she needed to be at mealtime as her sister and brothers where double her size. At one point, the woman who was fostering the litter and Aoife's parents thought she would not make it through one more night. A call was put in to the powers that be and a decision was made not to take her to emergency but if she made it through the night, she could go in the next day. There are many hard choices to be made in rescue and the budget just couldn't handle a huge emergency vet bill for a week old puppy. Julie (who had already been bottle feeding her) took her to bed with her to keep her warm. Aoife curled in her neck and went to sleep. She is a little fighter my girl. In the morning she was stronger and made it to the vet. Nothing was wrong with her that vitamins and more food couldn't fix. Aoife's favorite place to sleep is still curled up around my neck. :-) I love all my pugs but Aoife is such a special girl.

Here is a photo of the new family taken the evening I returned home with her. And this morning, I woke her up to take the photo and she looks very unimpressed by the importance of the day. :-) For those of you who have recently asked, Aoife is a traditional Irish name. It's pronounced EE fa (or sometimes WEE fa). But I pronounce it EE fa. I'll have to check with Siobhan, her girls go to school with several Aoife's of the two legged variety. :-)

To celebrate the day, Aoife and I will go on a shopping trip and she can pick out a new toy and get a couple of special treats. :-) All my pugs love mommie and me days. :-)


Mia said...

Such a sweet girl!!! I hope she has a wonderful birthday befitting the little fighter that she is!!

Margaret said...

Happy birthday to Aoife! I've always loved her name. I love the story about her when she was tiny. She's definitely a fighter! Hope she enjoys her day -- and her mommy too!

Karen said...

Happy birthday, Aoife! You're such a pretty girl. Have a fun day with Mom!

Tommye said...

Happy Birthday and many treats! My observation has nothing to do with her size, but the family picture shows me you are a good mom because the "kids" are sitting on the couch right next to your stitched pillows. A little pug hair never hurt anything!


Kathy said...

Happy Birthday little girl. I hope Mommy gets you something real yummy.

Love and licks from
Kathy and Rory too

Theresa said...

Happy birthday, Aoife~~~~ That is a very touching story!!
Have a wonderful day and lots of treats!!!

Andrea said...

Aofie is a doll! I love her story, thanks so much for sharing it with us! I can't believe she's already two because I remember when you got her and had the picture on your blog with her and the other two....gosh, they're like kids, they grow FAST! Well, they are our babies, right?
Give her a big smooch from me and my boys :-)
Happy Birthday Aofie!

Stef said...

Happy Birthday Aoife!!! Hope mommie gets you lots of treats for your special day!!!

JOLENE said...

OOOOhhhhhh sweet little adorable cuddle bug Aofief....I can't believe how little she was at birth. She must be a tough girl with a soft side. Way too cute!!!! My cousin has a small pug that she was able to get from a puppy rescue mission, her name is Mabel. She is such a sweet pug, too. Happy Birthday Aoife!!!

Katrina said...

What a great story and she's such a sweetie. Happy birthday to Aiofe.

Jan said...

Oh she is beyond precious! Know how much you love her, give her a great birthday spoiling!:)

Sandra said...

Hope Aoife had a great birthday yesterday. I can't believe it is almost 2 years since you got her, how time flies.

Karoline said...

Has it really been two years! Happy birthday Aoife

Alice said...

What a cute little dog! Happy Birthday.

Carmen said...

Happy birthday sweet Aoife!.
is so cute litle girl.

Julie said...

Those pugs are so darn cute, I swear! Your progress is wonderful.